Masukan Kode License Disini.
Ag-tags in HTML and its functions.

Now I want to provide a reference list of HTML tags. Surely my friend should know the usefulness of html tags along with their global attributes.

The following HTML tag reference also includes the HTML5 tag that was last released by W3C. Next we will mention the use of each tag, as well as the use of tags that should be avoided because HTML5 is no longer compatible

Here is a list of HTML tags.

Name Label Description / Use

  • <! DOCTYPE>   Label to specify the type of document
  • <html>                 Label to create an HTML document
  • <title>                  Label to create the title of a page
  • <body>                Label to make the body of a page.
  • <h1> to <h6>      Tags to make headers
  • <p>                     Tags to create paragraphs
  • <br>                    Enter a dashed line
  • <hr>                    Label to make changes to the basic word in the content
  • <! --...-->            Label to make a comment

  • Formatting
  • <Acronym>        tag to create an acronym (it is no longer supported in HTML5)
  • <Abbr>              tag to create an abbreviation
  • <address>          Label to make the contact address
  • <b>                    Labels in bold letters
  • <bdi>                 Isolates parts of the text that can be formatted in different directions from another external                            text (new HTML5 tags)
  • <bdo>               Change the text direction.
  • <Big>                tag to make uppercase text (no longer supported in HTML5)
  • <Blockquote>    tag to create a cited text section from another source
  • <Center>           tag to make lines of text in between (no longer supported in HTML5)
  • <cite>                Label to create the title of the work.
  • <code>             Tags to create snippets of computer code between the text
  • Label <del>       to create text that has been deleted from the document
  • <dfn>                Label to make a definition term
  • <em>                Tags to press text (no longer supported in HTML5)
  • <M2                 label to create fonts, colors, and sizes for text (it is no longer supported in HTML5)
  • <i>                    Labels to make a part of the text that fits the mood
  • Label <ins>       to make the text entered in the document

  • Label for keyboard input
  • <Mark>          tag to create highlighted / marked text (new HTML5 tags)
  • <meter>          Label to make scalar measurements
  • <pre>              Label to make formatted text
  • <progress>      Shows the progress of the task (new HTML5 tags)
  • <q>                tag to make short quotes
  • <rp>                       Label to do what should be displayed in a browser that does not support the                                                 explanation of ruby ​​(new HTML5 tags)
  • <rt>                        Label to make an annotation / pronunciation of the characters (for East Asian typeface)
  • <ruby>                    Tags to create an annotation ruby ​​(for East Asian typeface) (new HTML5 tags)
  • Label <s>                to create text that is no longer correct
  • <Samp>                  tag to make an example of the output of a computer program
  • <small>                   Labels to make small text
  • <Strike>                  tag to create text that crosses in the middle (it is no longer supported in HTML5)
  • <strong>                 Tags to make important text
  • <sub>                      Label to make text of subscripts (as in the writing of Chemistry)
  • <sup>                      Tags to make text in superscript (like when writing square roots)
  • <time>                     Label to make date / time (new HTML5 tag)
  • <tt>                         Label for making teletype text (it is no longer supported in HTML5)
  • <u>                        Tags to create text that has a style that is different from other plain text
  • <var>                     label to create a variable
  • <wbr>                   Label to make scripts possible

  • Shapes
  • <Form>                 tag to create an HTML form for user input
  • Label <input>         to create an input control
  • <Textarea>            tag to create a multi-line entry control (text area)
  • <Button>               tag to make a button that can be clicked on
  • <select>                Label to create a drop-down list
  • <Optgroup>          tag to create a related selection group in the drop-down list
  • <option>                Label to make a choice in the drop-down list
  • Label <label>         to create a label for an <input> element
  • <fieldset>             Groups together related elements
  • Label <legend>      to create a title for a <fieldset>, <figure> or <details> element
  • <datalist>              Specifies the list of options that have been set for the input controls (new HTML5                               tags)
  • <Keygen>             tag to create a key pair entry column generator (new HTML5 tag)
  • <Output>              tag to make calculation results (new HTML5 tags)

  • frames
  • <Frame>                tag to create a window in a frameset (no longer supported in HTML5
  • <Frameset>           tag to create a frameset (no longer supported in HTML5)
  • <NFrames>           tag to create alternative content for users who do not support frames (they are no                                longer supported in HTML5)
  • <Iframe>               tag to create a frame
  • Images
  • <img>                    Label to make an image
  • <Map>                  tag to create map images
  • <Area>                  tag to create an area in a map image
  • <canvas>               Used to draw graphics, through scripts (JavaScript) (new HTML5 tags)
  • <Figcaption>          tag to create a title for the <figure> element (new HTML5 tag)
  • <figure>                  Determine independent content (new HTML5 tags)
  • Audio Video
  • <audio>                Label to create sound content (new HTML5 tags)
  • <Source>             tag to create multiple media sources for media elements (<video> and <audio>)                                 (new HTML5 tags)
  • <Track>              tags to create text clues for multimedia elements (<video> and <audio>) (new                                      HTML5 tags)
  • <video>              Tags to make a video or movie (new HTML5 tags)
  • Links
  • <a>                    Tags to create hyperlinks
  • <link>                Tags to create links between documents and external resources (most are used to                                link to style sheets)
  • <nav>                Label to create navigation links (new HTML5 tags)
  • Lists
  • <ul>                 labels to make lists with other numbers
  • <ol>                 Labels to list with numbers
  • <li>                  Label to create a list item
  • <dir>               Label to create a list of directories (no longer supported in HTML5)
  • <dl>                Label to make a list of definitions
  • <dt>                Label to create terms (elements) in the definition list
  • <dd>               Defines a description of an item in a list of definitions
  • <menu>            Label to make a description of an item in the definition list
  • Label <command> to create a command button that a user can request (new HTML5 tag)

  • Tables
  • <table>           Tags to create tables
  • <Caption>       tag to create a table title
  • <th>               Label to create a table header cell
  • <tr>                Label to make rows in a table
  • <Td>              tag to create cells in a table
  • <thead>          Group header content into a table
  • <tbody>          Grouping bodies in a table
  • <tfoot>           Group the footer content into a table
  • <col>             Specifies the column property for each column in the <colgroup> element
  • <colgroup>       Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table to be formatted
  • Style / Sections
  • <Style>             tag to make style information for documents
  • <div>                 Label to create a section in a document
  • <Span>              tag to create a section in a document
  • <Header>          tag to create a header for documents or sections (new HTML5 tags)
  • Tags <footer>    to create footers for documents or sections (new HTML5 tags)
  • <hgroup>          Grouping header elements (<h1> to <h6>) (new HTML5 tags)
  • <section>           Label to create parts in documents (new HTML5 tags)
  • <Article>           tag to create an article (new HTML5 tags)
  • <aside>             Tags to create content other than the content of the page (new HTML5 tags)
  • <Details>           tag to create additional details that users can see or hide (new HTML5 tags)
  • Label <dialog>  to create a dialog box or window (new HTML5 tags)
  • <Summary>       tag to make a title visible for the <detail> element (new HTML5 tag)
  • Meta Info
  • <head>           Tags to make information about documents
  • <Meta>          tag to create metadata about HTML documents
  • <base>          Specifies the base / destination URL for all relative URLs in the document
  • <basem2 Specifies the default color, size, and font for all text in a document (it is no longer supported in HTML5)

  • Programming
  • <Script>        tag to create scripts on the client side
  • <Noscript>    tag to create alternative content for users who do not support client-side scripting
  • <Applet>       tag to create an embedded java applet (no longer supported in HTML5)
  • <Embed>      tag to create a container for external applications (not HTML) (new HTML5 tags)
  • <Object>      tag to create an object that is planted
  • <Param>       tag to create a parameter for an object
